Tuesday 21 August 2012

Successor to Saul Anointed

Prepare: Man's perception Vs God's
Read: 1 Samuel 16: 1-13

Saul was rejected by God for his disobedience. He was the first choice of God to be the King of Israel. But his heart was not right with God. When he was dethroned by God, Samuel grieved for a long time. God made it very clear to Samuel that He was in control of the situation and that Samuel should trust Him.

Believe: God works through difficult situations in His own time (Rom 8:28). Samuel was afraid to take the next step which God placed before him to go to Jesse in Bethlehem to dedicate the next King. He was still looking  to the past and was hesitant to move forward. But God said, "Go, I will direct your next step".

Believe: When God is with you, don't be afraid to take the step of faith. Is you still hold on to the past, you will find yourself stuck.

Samuel obeyed the Lord and did all that was instructed. When he saw Eliab, Samuel thought, "This is the man, the Lord has chosen". But the Lord said very clearly, "Don't fall for outward looks. I look deep within the heart". The same was repeated with the rest of the six children. The eighth son, David was introduced by his father Jesse as a 'lad keeping the sheep'. But David was anointed; the Spirit of God came upon him from that moment.

Believe: God always searches the hearts and tests the minds to give every man according to his ways (Jer 17:10).

Respond: Give me an understanding heart, O Lord. Amen. 

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