Monday 13 August 2012

Reality Check at Review Time

Psalm 54
Prepare: When you are in trouble and forced to wait for help, where you place your faith is all-important.
Read: Psalm 54:1-7

The late Dr. A.W. Tozer once wrote, "I can safely say on the authority of all that is revealed in the Word of God that any man or woman on this earth who is bored and turned off by worship is not ready for heaven".

Today being Sunday, you join the thousands of saints across the globe even in the underground churches to worship and adore Him. You may be in a similar situation as David in many areas of your life, own people rising against him. Here David uses a great way to pray in verse 1&2, which results in sure faith in verse 4. On this day of joy and gladness can you recognize God's ways in your life?

God is faithful; though men are not to be trusted, and it is well for us it is so. David has no other plea to depend upon than God's name, no other power to depend upon than God's strength, and these he makes his refuge and confidence. What bonds of nature, or friendship, or gratitude, or covenant will protect you from those who have no fear of God. Only God can.

David sums up the psalm with praise. There is an interesting sequence of experiences: David had trouble, this led him to trust God, which resulted in triumph. He had a  problem, so he turned to prayer, which brought about praise to the Lord.

Respond: Christians should never suffer the voice of praise and thanksgiving to cease in the church of the redeemed. 

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