Thursday 16 August 2012

Industrious Ruth

Prepare: He who chooses to trust God will reap blessings.
Read: Ruth 1:19-2:7

Yesterday we saw that wrong choices bring difficult situations. But turning towards God brings blessings (1:19). Wrong choices had left pleasant Naomi bitter, calling herself as Mara.Ruth's right choice of putting her trust in  the Lord, led to a life of great blessings. She was a Moabite, a hated community; she was a young and beautiful widow in an unsafe situation. But she experienced love and respect along with protection from the master himself. Her beautiful inner character combined with her trust in God changed her life altogether.

Ruth's humility and industry are remarkable. She submitted herself to the authority of her mother-in-law by informing her about her plans. She approached the reapers with a gentle request to glean. She knew how to talk pleasantly and was not proud. "One's pride will bring him low, but he who is lowly in spirit will obtain honour." (Prov 29:23). She worked steadily from morning till mealtime except for a short rest.

God led her to the right place: She went to the field belonging to Boaz. Boaz was a very godly man. Note how he greets the reapers and how they respond.

God led her to the right people: Boaz was not there when Ruth went to glean. The harvesters and the foreman were working.When Ruth requested with all humility, God opened their hearts to allow her to work.

Respond: Lord, help us to choose an attitude of submission to Your Lordship and to others. Amen.

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