Sunday 19 August 2012

Happy Ending

Prepare: Loyal hearts reap blessings.
Read: Ruth 4:1-21

There is happiness all around in this chapter. The book of Ruth started with sadness and emptiness. Turning back to God and fully trusting in the living God changed the whole story. Prov 3:56, ' Trust in the Lord.. He will make your paths straight' came true in Ruth and Naomi's life.

Ruth, a Moabite widow married Boaz, a Jewish man and became a blessing to Boaz. Ruth, a Moabite daughter-in-law brought happiness into her mother-in-law's life and became a blessing to Naomi in her old age. Now Naomi was content in the Lord's doing for her. Ruth, a Moabite woman worshipping the pagan gods, now became a blessing to the whole of Israel and to the world. She bore a son to Boaz. They named him Obed. Obed became the grandfather of David. In David's line, many centuries later, Jesus the promised Messiah of Israel and the Savior of the world was born.

"For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is committed toward him" - 2 Chron 16:9. Ruth was loyal to the living God.

For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, " In returning and rest you shall be saved" - Isaiah 30:15. If we have gone away from the Lord, let us return to Him in repentance and commit ourselves and our life's struggles to Him. He will turn it into a blessing.

Respond: I want to come back to You, Lord and rest in You, so that Your blessings will flow through me. Amen.

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