Sunday 19 August 2012

Kinsman Redeemer

Prepare: Jesus the only Way.
Read: Ruth 3:1-18

For Ruth, shelter, food and kind words were not a permanent solution. She needed a companion for life who could redeem her from her plight.

Boaz was a trustworthy man. As a first step, he showed himself as trustworthy by saying 'I will do, I will redeem'.

Boaz was a righteous man. He wanted to do right by fulfilling the law. He gave a chance to  the other relative to redeem Ruth. He knew the extent of sacrifice involved in redeeming Ruth and he knew that the other relative would not do it. He wanted Ruth to know that he was the only one and not anything or anyone else could redeem her.

Boaz was a man of grace. He goes beyond the requirement of law and supplies grain to Ruth proving to her that he her provider.

Boaz represents Jesus, our redeemer. Jesus said, "I have come to lay down My life". Jesus has enabled us to experience even in our waywardness that He is the only Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus has shown His grace even in our unfaithfulness.

Ruth responded by trusting Boaz, by asking him to spread his wings over her symbolizing a relationship for life. She did not run after the world's attraction; instead she looked to him for redemption.

If only we could respond like Ruth, Jesus our kinsman redeemer, will redeem us, give us an eternal relationship with Him and bless us richly.

Respond: Jesus, You are the righteous God, the only Way and the only Redeemer. I come to You trusting in Your work. Amen.

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