Saturday 8 September 2012

Suffering as Preparation for Service

Prepare: Our suffering for Christ's sake really advances the gospel.
Read: Philippians 1:12-18

These verses are a window into Paul's mind. This also gives us an example of true Christian living.

I. Past pain prepares us for ministry: "These things that happened" to Paul in the past, only helped thprogress of the Gospel. The "things" Paul is referring to are all his sufferings. (Ref. II Cor 11:23-29). Bur Paul saw his pain and suffering as those things which helped to advance the Gospel. If we will allow God to work in our lives, our suffering too can prepare us to serve others more effectivively.

II. Present restrictions can be a platform for ministry: When Paul looks at his present imprisonment, he sees hi bonds as a means for Christ to be made known. First, the Praetorian guard, an elite Roman troup, who were sent to guard prisoners like Paul were hearing the gospel. Second, many Christians took the issue of Paul imprisonment as an opportunity to speak out. They were infused with new courage and boldnes. Third some in the church attacked Paul out of jealousy and personal animosity, even this, Paul says, is for the good of the Gospel. Here, Paul's maturity shines out. Paul knows differences will exist in the body of Christ. But no matter what, whether in pretense or truth, Christ was being proclaimed. For us too, the proclamaton of the Gospel and the advancemet of His kingdom

Respond: Lord I pray that my suffering for You and the gospel would neither deter me nor make me bitter or judgmental.

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