Wednesday 12 September 2012

God is at Work

Prepare: The word of Life imparts life.
Read: Philippians 2:12-18

The central point of the Christological hymn in 2:5-11 was Christ's obedience and humility. Paul now applies that searching example to the life of the Christian. Herein, is a blend of what we have to do and of what God is doing.

I. The directives: First, "As of have always obeyed". It was their obedience to the Gospel that brought the Church into being. They were now called upon to show that same submission to God - to be like the Lord Jesus Christ who was obedient to His Father. Paul exhorts "work out your own salvation", because God is at work in you. Nothing can stop Him. So we must do our part too! Specifically, Paul says "without grumbling or questioning", "be blameless and innocent". God's people must be above reproach in conduct and character. Then he refers in verse 15-16, to "shine as lights" and "hold fast the Word of Life", an outward display which comes from a transformed inner nature.

II. The incentives: Paul uses two images to describe his life: 1. A runner, "I did not run in vain" and 2. A weaver, "I did not labour in vain". His words show his sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. That's why verse 17-18 present a memorable picture of joy as he sees his life blood being poured out as a sacrifice pleasing  and acceptable to God. Paul lived to serve his Master and to receive His "well done".

Respond: Lord, enable Your Church to walk straight in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation.

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