Prepare: We can never stand aloof when church unity suffers.
Read: Philippians 4:1-9
I. A need for peace: There was a situation in the church that was disrupting the peace. So Paul begins with this appeal: "Stand firm". It is a call to unity, for, only a united Church can appeal to a lost world. It is only from a position of peace that the Church can preach peace. In the issue that divided the Church, Paul does not wish to take sides. Rather, he asks those involved to take the initiative to confess, forgive and be reconciled. For that is the way of Christ. When conflicts arise (and they will), the mature must be "true yoke-fellows". Jesus called us to be "peace makers" (Heb 12:14).
II. Two promises: The first concerns "the peace of God which passes all understanding". There is nothing mysterious about His peace; rather, people will not be able to explain away this peace because it is 'supernatural'. Second, "God's peace will guard us". This is because of the presence of the God of Peace, who comes to be our companion. The God of Peace, who made peace with us sinners, keeps us in His peace. But the promises of God's peace are dependent on :
III. God's laws: Paul shares four spiritual laws:
1. Rejoice always
2. Pray with Thanksgiving
3. Fill your mind with what is excellent
4. Submit to God's Word
As you meditate on each of these, ask : "Do I have peace?"
Respond: In a world of unrest and disunity, May I know Your peace, O God.