Tuesday 3 April 2012

Peter's Denial

Prepare: Would I remain true if challenged in a hostile crowd?
Read: Luke 22:54-62

Satan was in the courtyard to sift Peter and in the council chamber to lead the men astray. His victory over Peter was only temporary, for the apostle wept, repented and was restored. His victory over the religious leaders was complete, for he blinded their eyes to the truth and they condemned their own Messiah.

Faith challenged: In many parts of the world and in our land, be it Orissa, Karnataka or UP, Christians have had to suffer or even die for their faith. Some of us have led relatively sheltered lives, and our faith had not been seriously challenged. I wonder how our faith would measure up if faced with a hostile crowd.

The Lord looked straight at Peter: What did Peter see in that look? Rebuke? Sadness? Love? I'm sure the 'look' was not saying 'Didn't I tell you?'! But Peter did immediately recall Jesus' words and the crowing of the cock affirmed the sad prediction of Peter's denial. That look melted Peter's heart. Filled with remorse, he went out and wept bitterly. Those words say it all!

Hope for Peter and for you and me: The crowing cock reminded Peter that he could be forgiven because along with the warning of denial, Jesus had said, 'I have prayed for you..When you turn back...' Wiersbe points out that the rooster's call means a new day is dawning. This was surely true for Peter as his tears of repentance were the first step towards the restoration to come.

Respond: Pray for courage for all who are facing persecution. 

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